Home Gender Women Group Calls For Implementation Of National Gender Policy

Women Group Calls For Implementation Of National Gender Policy


Women Group Calls For Implementation Of National Gender Policy

By Katherine Abayomi, Port Harcourt

The implementation of the National Gender Policy (NGP) was the center of discussion at a one-day meeting organised by Kebetkache Woman Development Resource Centre in Port Harcourt with various stakeholders ranging from community leaders, Directors of government agencies, and the Ministry of Women of Affairs.

The marginalisation and exclusion of women from political, academic, and social inclusion gave rise to the community and advocacy dialogue with stakeholders and community leaders on the topic of “Gender Equality and Social Inclusion”(GESI).

It has been seen that when it comes to the issue of gender, females are believed to be lesser, but when it has to do with men and women, both should be focused on and given equal opportunities to thrive.

The Executive Director of Kebetkache Women Development Centre, Dr. Emem Okon, calls for the national gender policy to have legislative backing and to be adopted at the state level. “We ask that the policy be implemented, the national gender policy is still at the national level; we need it to be adopted at the state level, as well as at the local and community levels.

Dr. Okon stated that when communities have a document such as the National Gender Policy that states that both genders, even persons with disabilities and youths, should be represented in everything, and also participate in government processes and development. Despite institutions having gender desks, the policy still needs to be implemented”.

“The ratio of 35% men to women in decision-making bodies is not balanced, as provided by the national gender policy, so it should be implemented even at the state level”.

In her presentation, Constance Meju said women should be given a voice in National development. She cited areas where women’s voices have been excluded, like the right to speak and be heard the right to participate in nation-building, and the right to make wealth and develop their potential. The NAP seeks to enthrone gender balance for even development.

Meju also highlighted the Biseni community in Bayelsa state, where women’s inclusion has enabled them to achieve laudable results. She employed community leaders to tow the move of this gender equality gap, knowing that it delays development, affects the economy of families, communities, and society, and promotes violence, poor health, and poverty.

She submitted that Leaders should always think about the needs and challenges of all segments of our community before embarking on any project or program, including grants, loans, scholarships, and farmland. A needs assessment has to be conducted to determine how the project will impact them.

Community leaders also must be gender sensitive and responsive, carrying out periodic gender analysis to know what women, children, people with disability, and the elderly need and how they think it can be addressed. The need to embrace “Gender Equality and Social Inclusion” (GESI) will be the right step

The Director of Women’s Affairs, Dr Kalmalita Akporoboro, earlier stated that while we foster the growth of women and gender equality, we should also include the boys while maintaining balance.

Dr. Kalmalita reinforced that the domestication of the gender policy is ripe for implementation when passed to the state government, knowing this government is gender sensitive. She stated that for the development we desire, women should come together, stop antagonizing each other, trust in themselves, and believe in themselves.

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