Home Gender FIDA, Celebrates 37 Years of Litigating For Women, Children

FIDA, Celebrates 37 Years of Litigating For Women, Children


FIDA, Celebrates 37 Years of Litigating For Women, Children

By katherine Abayomi, Port Harcourt

The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) in Rivers State, celebrates its 37 years of fighting for women and children. Also marking the International Day of the Boy Child, they called on parents, and caregivers to strike a balance in the upbringing of the boy and girl child.

The Rivers State Chairman Nigeria Bar Association Victor Benibo, discouraged discrimination in raising children as every child deserves equal treatment.

He commended FIDA for their tireless fight for the rights of women and children in the state, assuring the organization of his full support to ensure a better society.

“We are all here to celebrate FIDA Rivers on her 37th anniversary, it is not easy what they are doing and not expecting any reward. They dedicate their time, life, and inconvenience to helping others. Their finances are also added into the system they need to be commended and encouraged.

“I do not believe in discrimination whether boy or girl child, every child should be treated equally. What is good for child A should also be good for child B.

The State Chairperson of FIDA Adata Bio-Briggs, stated while commemorating International Boy Child Day and 37 years of FIDA Rivers promoting and protecting the rights of women and children in the State, with a sensitization walk which kicked off from NBA House and terminated at Mile One market, in Port Harcourt,

She emphasized that the girl child has been over-trained why the boy child is on the loose ends, which has greatly influenced them negatively in character and lifestyle.

We are trying to train them on the right path by celebrating them and going for outreach in their schools to educate them on positive masculinity.

“Make them understand that being a man does not warrant them to be aggressive. Looking at this year’s theme, that you are a man does make you aggressive, and angry, they need to take life easy.

“Their mental health is also very important to us at this level because lots of families groom the young boys to be aggressive, and hard. They tell them as a boy, they cannot cry, they need to man up, and be strong. A child is a child whether a boy or a girl.

Bio-Briggs affirmed that FIDA Rivers has done a lot in protecting, promoting, and preserving the rights of women and children in the state.

“When I say we have done a lot it means we have done lots and we will keep doing it because every day the standard keeps being raised. Am sure we have gone to all the local government areas in Rivers State, educating people about the law, and sensitising them to the laws available to them.

“We have been litigating the rights of women, boys, and girls children. We are at the forefront through our advocacy for the past thirty-seven year’s promoting, protecting their rights.

“In our advocacy, we have helped shape the legal world by promoting laws, we have been the backbone of some laws that have been enacted in the state. We have the Child’s rights law, we have the inheritance law, and harmful traditional practices laws.

“All of these laws if you go behind, you will see FIDA has a hand in it”.

Before now the training of the boy child was relegated, we have realized now that the girl child has been overtrained, and out there lots of young boys do not have positive role models to speak to or show them what to do.

“They have been influenced negatively by what they see out there, they are influenced by fraudsters. They see people with money they do not ask what is the source of this money, all they know is they want to get rich.

“We need to reeducate the young boys, make them know the right way to do things.

Highlights of the program were a free medical outreach for women and sensitization of women’s rights under the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act. The event was marked with the theme: EMPOWERING WOMAN AND CHILDREN.

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